I have a list of records
that I want to summarise into a TListView
The structure of the record is as follows
MyRecord = record
SourceTable: string;
SourceField: string;
TargetTable: string;
TargetField: string;
In the record there may be multiple instances of SourceTable / TargetTable, with single instances of Source/Target Field
I would like to create a TListView
in vsReport style that summarises each SourceTable\TargetTable pair.
Ideally I would like to do the following:
procedure SetTables;
mp: MyPointer;
LI: TListItem;
LI := LI.Create(nil);
LI.Caption := ap^.SourceTable;
LI.Checked := not ap^.Updated;
if lvMigration.Items.IndexOf(LI) = -1 then
i.e. Create a standalone TListItem, check that it doesn't already exist, then add it to my TListView. However it breaks at the assignment of the LI.Caption
- essentially there is nothing to assign to. I suspect at least part of the problem is the (nil)
The normal creation of a TListItem would be to use LI := lvMigration.Items.Add;
but this doesn't help my use case. I can't seem to find any documentation where the above is done.
Instead of:
LI := LI.Create(nil);
You meant to write
LI := TListItem.Create(nil);
This is the oldest Delphi mistake in the books and I'm sure you've made it before (we all have), and I'm sure you recognise it when you see it.
The rest of your code will not work though. You cannot do anything with a TListItem
instance without supplying an Owner
. For example, look at the implementation of TListItem.SetCaption
procedure TListItem.SetCaption(const Value: string);
if Value <> Caption then
FCaption := Value;
if not Owner.Owner.OwnerData then
With your code, Owner
is nil
and so this code will just lead to an access violation. In fact you should not be instantiating TListItem
ever. That's done by the container classes.
Even if without that issue, though, you would find that IndexOf
does not do what you want. You want it to perform a search on the value of the item. But it performs a search on the reference.
What you will need to do is iterate through each item in the list and check its Caption and sub-items (or whatever identifies the item) against the prospective new value.
If you felt in the mood for a more drastic change, one that would make life easier in the long run, and improve performance if the list gets large, then switching to using the list view in virtual mode would help. You'd maintain a list of your items in a TList<TMyItem>
or similar. And then you'd populate on demand. If you did that, then it would be much easier to detect duplicates since you'd be working with a plain container rather than a GUI control. Fundamentally you are making life hard for yourself by using a GUI control as a container class.