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Can I highlight chunks of code in Dreamweaver?

I posted this earlier but got no replies, I don't think it was tagged very well :(

Anyway, I've googled this question and can't find anything. What I would like to know is if it was possible to highlight code in Dreamweaver so it's easier to navigate around my code as it gets a little confusing the more code I add.

This is what I've mocked up to give you an idea of what I would hope is possible:

enter image description here

Hope someone can clarify if this is possible?


  • One thing you can do is click on a numbered row of code and shift + click on a numbered row say 50 lines down or whatever. You will see a "-" symbol. If you click that, it will condense your code. I know that's not exactly what you were looking for, but it will help keep things organized and readable.