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Use Kendo Ui Loading Indicator with dataviz

I've a little problem using Kendo UI Dataviz.

The rendering takes around 15-20 seconds so I've to show a loading indicator.

Kendo says to use kendo.ui.progress (

It works well for a any div but not for Datawiz ... I can't make it works ... It does nothing ...

Here my code :

<div class="chart-wrapper">
        .Title("Répartition du CA généré par les agences")
        .(dataSource =>
    var ajaxContainer = $("#chart");

    // show loading overlay
    kendo.ui.progress(ajaxContainer, true);

    // hide loading overlay
    //kendo.ui.progress(ajaxContainer, false);


Does anyone have an idea ?

Thanks in advance


  • Ok well i found the problem ...

    The div of the chart was not yet created when i called the kendo.ui.progress function.

    I had to delayed it with jquery ready :

    $(document).ready(function () {
        var ajaxContainer = $("#chart");
        // show loading overlay
        kendo.ui.progress(ajaxContainer, true);