When I configure the Cognos Application-Tier to point to the other components I understand why I need to point to the Content-Manager and the Gateway but according to the documentation (Configure Environment Properties for Application Tier Components Computers) I also need to set the:
"6. Change the localhost portion of the remaining URI properties to the name or IP address of your IBM Cognos BI server."
Do you know what it means? What is the IBM Cognos BI server?
They mean a dispatcher. In a multi-server environment, you may have your content manager and your dispatcher(s) in separate installs.
Here's the official definition:
The IBMCognos 8 applications tier contains one or more IBM Cognos 8 servers.
An IBM Cognos 8 server runs requests, such as reports, analyses, and queries,
that are forwarded by a gateway. An IBM Cognos 8 server also renders the IBM
Cognos Connection and studio interfaces.