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SQLCODE -1334 on DB2 when trying to connect using MicroStrategy

I am wondering if anyone has ever encountered the following error when trying to connect to a DB2 database:

Connect failed.

Error type: Odbc error. Odbc operation attempted:

SQLDriverConnect. [HY000:-1334: on SQLHANDLE] [MicroStrategy][ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol driver][DB2]Unknown error: SQLCODE -1334

I have looked at the DB2 documentation and am unable to find the SQL code error. I can't figure out what's going on. Would I have to update or downgrade the ODBC drivers?


  • In version 9.3.0 there is a bugfix for an issue related to version 9.2.1 and DB2 on Windows as you can see here

    Or simply you have the wrong configuration (i.e. database name) like the guy in this discussion.