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Prolog, check if term is power of 2

i have written following code, which should work with my logic, but it does not.

I should check if given term is power of two. For example s(s(s(nul))) should return false, s(s(s(s(nul))) should return true.

   Y > 0, number is 1,  substractWhileY(X,Y - number, rezult).

   pagalba(X, 2, rezult).
calculateAnswer(X, currentCounter, currentValue):-
   currentCounter is currentCounter * 2,
   substractWhileY(currentValue, currentCounter , rezult),
   rezult\= null,
   calculateAnswer(X, currentCounter , rezult).

My idea was to check if given therm is degree of any two and if it is not than it is not the degree of two.

With numbers it should work like this. For example i give number 8.

First time it checks if 8 - 2 = 0.
second time if 8 - 4 = 0.
third time if 8 - 8 = 0.

so the 8 id power of two.

Maybe other solution would work better, so thanks for any help.


  • Assuming that you are looking for numbers 1, 2, 4, 8..., or in other words, 2^0, 2^1, 2^2, 2^3, ..., then a solution that is deterministic could be:

    two_power_n(s(X)) :-
    two_power_n_minus_one(s(X)) :-
        half(s(s(X)), s(Y)),
    half(0, 0).
    half(s(s(X)), s(Y)) :-
        half(X, Y).

    I don't think this solution is optimal.