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user stories captured and refined using gerrit as the main communication medium

I have inherited a process where gerrit is used to capture and collaborate on user stories.

The process is used at the very early stage of capturing the stories and it seems very long winded compared to a whiteboard approach.

It feels like this process goes against the spirit of user stories where collaboration and face to face discussions seem to be favored.

Also, gerrit tooling is aimed more around the technical user. Knowledge of git is required to edit stories which seems to push writing the stories onto the technical team.

Question: Is it possible to effectively capture and collaborate on stories using gerrit? If so, how can this be done?


  • I think that is a problem - every story should have an Id. And using a task repository you can collaborate on stories very easily with the customers. Gerrit is a review tool not an issue tracker. The commit message should contain the issue Id. if you using Tuleap as an issue tracker then it is integrated with Gerrit. So if the commit msg contains issue id, then customer can click on the id and will be navigated to the issue/story