I used script/server -e production
to start rails in production mode. It did and I got no errors. However how do I tell if it is in production mode? I tried a non-existent route, and I got a similar error page I did in development.
I thought if under production model, I get the 404 error page that is in my /public folder.
Does it mean it didn't start in production mode?
Thanks for your help.
2 easy ways:
tail -f log/production.log
if there are entries populating that log after you hit the app, you're in production mode.
second way:
in one of your views (probably the layout is good), just add
<%= "Environment: #{RAILS_ENV}" %>
And that will show you what the environment that you're running in.
You will see the default exception page instead of the actual error pages on any environment if the request is considered "local" (that is from localhost or, you can override this by adding this to your ApplicationController
def local_request?
You can find this method in the docs in the api