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What does this command does in shell linux

     ${PS} ${PS_OPTS} | \
     grep ${JBOSS_HOME}/java | \
     egrep -v " grep | \
     tee | $0 " | ${AWK} '{print $NF " "}' | \
     sort -u > ${TMPFILE} 2>/dev/null

I want to know what this precise line is doing from the code above

egrep -v " grep | \
     tee | $0 "

At first i thought that that line is searching for everything that does not contain this exact string "grep | \ tee | $0" but it appears that egrep is processing the pipes, so what's the significance of the pipes here, does it mean OR ? From my test it appears that it's not, but if it means output redirection then what's the inner grep getting ? And why is tee alone too ?



    egrep -v " grep | \
         tee | $0 "

    is nothing but

    egrep -v " grep | tee | $0 "

    where \ is the continuation character in bash.

    egrep is same as grep -E

    -v for inverted selection

    tee just another string

    so egrep -v " grep | tee | $0 " does find lines that have the string {java path} and within this results, all the lines that doesn't match the condition {either of grep OR tee OR $0 } where $0 is the filename not a '$0' because it uses DOUBLE QUOTES and not single quotes :)

    " commands | $variables " has the tendency to expand the variables and use the utility.