I've started using NuGet to install PostSharp into my projects and this is what I routinely run into:
1) Start new solution and project
2) Add existing project(s) (that new project references) that already use(s) PostSharp
3) Use NuGet to add PostSharp to the new project
4) Try to compile/run but get errors about not being able to load PostSharp properly
5) Realize the new project is using a slightly newer version of PostSharp
6) Use NuGet manager to remove/readd Postsharp to existing projects so they're up to date
Is there a way that I can have NuGet load the same version of PostSharp into new projects that is already being used in the older projects or does NuGet only get the very latest?
The nuget command will specify a specific version if the older versions are available.
EX: Install-Package NUnit -Version 2.6.1
The above example is for NUnit, but I would check to see if the package you're using is available in multiple versions