Search code examples

Date search fails when nested association included with pagination

I have 2 models Person and Address with a has and belongs to many join table association.

Using will_paginate and ransack.

When filtering on Date field, the first page is filtered correctly. When I click on any of the other paginations link, query changes from date(persons.dob) >= '2013-09-01') to date(persons.dob) >= 2013)

class Person
  has_many :person_addresses
  has_many :addresses, through: :person_addresses

class Address
  has_many :person_addresses
  has_many :persons, through: :person_addresses

class PersonAddress
  belongs_to :person
  belongs_to :address

Persons' search form has dob_gteq, dob_lteq, name_cont and addresses.street_cont filters.

If I filter on dob_gteq only, the first page works correctly. All other paginations causes:

ActionView::Template::Error (PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR:  operator does not exist: date >= integer
 LINE 1:" WHERE ((date(persons.dob) >= 2013 AN...

Removing the addresses.street_cont filter from the search form allows it to work correctly and paginate as expected.

EDIT as requested controller action

@q =[:q])
@persons = @q.result(:distinct => true).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 30)


Params coming in to search:

Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "q"=>{"name_cont"=>"", "addresses_street_cont"=>"", "addresses_zipcode_cont"=>"", "dob_gteq"=>"09-01-2013", "dob_lteq"=>""}, "commit"=>"Filter"}


  • In my case, changing the column from a datetime to a date, which fits better, solved my problem.