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FCKEditor, adding width and height to img elements

I'm trying to add width and height to images that I have in old WYSIWYG FCKEditor. The problem is, when I'm trying to get naturalWidth/Height that way I got 0 values.

What am I doing wrong?

here is the code:

var zaj = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('hometext');

pz =  zaj.GetXHTML();

dom_zaj = document.createElement('div');
dom_zaj.innerHTML = pz;

$(dom_zaj).find('img').each(function(i, element) {
    //var w_set = $(element).attr('width');
    //var h_set = $(element).attr('height');
    var w_native = element.naturalWidth;
    var h_native = element.naturalHeight;

    $(element).attr('width', w_native);
    $(element).attr('height', h_native);


  • I manage to fix the problem on my own. Since the pic's where in editor, I had to load them manualy by myself using jquery.onload(); (and changed from width/height to css styles)

    var $images = $(dom_zaj).find('img');
        var imagesLength = $images.length;
            var w_native = this.naturalWidth;
            $(this).css('width', w_native+'px');
            imagesLength = imagesLength-1;
            if(imagesLength === 0){
            pz = dom_zaj.innerHTML;
            imagesLength = imagesLength-1;