I read a tutorial about writing a bootloader. The author gave this as an example of a boot parameter block:
iOEM: .ascii "DevOS " # OEM String
iSectSize: .word 0x200 # bytes per sector
iClustSize: .byte 1 # sectors per cluster
iResSect: .word 1 # #of reserved sectors
iFatCnt: .byte 2 # #of FAT copies
iRootSize: .word 224 # size of root directory
iTotalSect: .word 2880 # total # of sectors if over 32 MB
iMedia: .byte 0xF0 # media Descriptor
iFatSize: .word 9 # size of each FAT
iTrackSect: .word 9 # sectors per track
iHeadCnt: .word 2 # number of read-write heads
iHiddenSect: .int 0 # number of hidden sectors
iSect32: .int 0 # # sectors for over 32 MB
iBootDrive: .byte 0 # holds drive that the boot sector came from
iReserved: .byte 0 # reserved, empty
iBootSign: .byte 0x29 # extended boot sector signature
iVolID: .ascii "seri" # disk serial
acVolumeLabel: .ascii "MYVOLUME " # volume label
acFSType: .ascii "FAT16 " # file system type
If I am using a FAT32 file system can I just change the last part (acFSType: ascii “FAT16 “)
and use this boot parameter block? If not where can I get a boot parameter block for FAT32?
I asked Mike Saunders ( the author of Mike-OS) in an email and his answer was no. I can't use this table for FAT32 just by changing that (acFSType: ascii “FAT16 “)
part. To get a boot parameter block for the FAT32 file-system he sent me this link to the Microsoft website.