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Force open the details / summary tag for Print in Chrome

I try to print the content of the details tag in Chrome but I can't force it to open.

This is what I have in my print CSS :

details, details > * { display:block !important; }

But the content appear only if I open the details before printing the page.

Is there any way to force opening details by css print on chrome ?


  • I found the solution by forcing the opening details tag with BeforePrint and Afterprint

    class App.Views.main extends backbone.View
    el : "body"
    events : 
        "click [data-auto-focus]":"autoFocus"
    initialize : () ->
        # Add conditional classname based on support
        $('html').addClass( (if $ then 'details' else 'no-details'))
        if (window.matchMedia)
            mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia('print')
            mediaQueryList.addListener (mql) =>
                if (mql.matches)
        window.onbeforeprint = => @beforePrint
        window.onafterprint = => @afterPrint
    render : () ->
    openedDetailsBeforePrint : null
    beforePrint : () ->
        console.log "before print"
        @openedDetailsBeforePrint = @$el.find('details[open],')
        if ($('html').hasClass('no-details')) then @$el.find('details').addClass("open") else @$el.find('details').attr("open", "")
    afterPrint : () ->
        console.log "after print"
        if ($('html').hasClass('no-details')) then @openedDetailsBeforePrint.addClass("open") else @openedDetailsBeforePrint.attr("open", "")
    autoFocus : (e) ->
        $element = if (e.currentTarget) then $(e.currentTarget) else $(e.srcElement)
        return $($element.attr "data-auto-focus").focus()