I'm writing a grails plugin and I need to hook into the domain save() method to do some logic after the save. I need to do this across multiple domain classes. I'm trying to avoid hibernate events in the cases where a plugin user is not using hibernate with GORM.
I've tried many thing but below is what I think should have had the best chance at working. In all cases grailsSave is null. How can I do this?
def doWithDynamicMethods = { ctx ->
application.domainClasses.each { dc ->
def grailsSave = dc.metaClass.pickMethod('save', [Map] as Class[])
domainClass.metaClass.save = { Map params ->
grailsSave.invoke(delegate, [params] as Object[])
println "Saved object, now do my thing"
I have the following set in my *Plugin.groovy class:
def dependsOn = [domainClass: '1.1 > *', hibernate: '1.1 > *']
def loadAfter = ['hibernate']
I was unable to successfully get a reference to the save() methods during plugin/app initialization; I don't know why. Instead, I decided to create a listener for the hibernate events after insert, update, and deletes. This post by Sean Hartsock regarding the Audit Logging plugin was a perfect primer for doing that.
Here's the gist of the Listener:
class MyListener implements PostInsertEventListener, PostUpdateEventListener, PostDeleteEventListener, Initializable {
public void onPostInsert(final PostInsertEvent event) {
// logic after insert
public void onPostUpdate(final PostUpdateEvent event) {
// logic after update
public void onPostDelete(final PostDeleteEvent event) {
// logic after delete
public void initialize(final Configuration config) {
Then in the *GrailsPlugin.groovy:
def doWithApplicationContext = { applicationContext ->
// add the event listeners for reindexing on change
def listeners = applicationContext.sessionFactory.eventListeners
def listener = new MyListener()
['postInsert', 'postUpdate', 'postDelete'].each({
addEventTypeListener(listeners, listener, it)
// copied from http://hartsock.blogspot.com/2008/04/inside-hibernate-events-and-audit.html
private addEventTypeListener(listeners, listener, type) {
def typeProperty = "${type}EventListeners"
def typeListeners = listeners."${typeProperty}"
def expandedTypeListeners = new Object[typeListeners.length + 1]
System.arraycopy(typeListeners, 0, expandedTypeListeners, 0, typeListeners.length)
expandedTypeListeners[-1] = listener
listeners."${typeProperty}" = expandedTypeListeners
Fairly simple at the end of the day...