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Using roxygen2 outside RStudio project

I am trying to generate roxygen2 comments inside my R code and I am currently NOT using an R Project but rather using ProjectTemplate (

My problem is roxygen2 only seems to work within a Project (hopefully I am wrong about this) and therefore when I run the command


I just get errors about a missing DESCRIPTION file. If I create a DESCRIPTION file and run roxygenize('.') again, the code executes and a /man and /inst folder is created but is blank.

Can someone please tell me if it is even possible to use roxygen2 outside of an R Project?


  • roxygen2 is for making help files for an R package. I'm not sure how help files outside of a package context would be organised. Would you still want R and man directories? If so, then you are almost there with creating a package.

    So, no, you can't use roxygen2 in a not-a-package.