I'm using gmaps4rails and want to check the current value of "process_geocoding" (i.e., check if it is true or false).
The reason for this is I want to add a crude "rate limiter" (sleep 0.25) when saving a lot of records at once (so that I don't get over_quota errors from Google), but I only want to do this if process_geocoding is currently set to true (and !gmaps, but that part is easy).
I assume this is super simple, but for the life of me can't figure this out.
I tried the obvious:
if Building.acts_as_gmappable :process_geocoding
do stuff
But that didn't work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The author of this gem answered my question over on github:
The correct way to do this is to check gmaps4rails_options on the instance not on the Class, i.e.:
So in my case:
Since the setting is "global", I don't believe it matters which instance you check. Not sure why I can't just call this as a class method, but this works regardless.