I have these relationships:
class Applicant < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :answers
accepts_nested_attributes_for :answers
class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :applicant
The answer model has an hstore attribute called properties. The properties hash will have dynamic keys as they are created in the app by the user.
I can't seem to successfully whitelist these dynamic keys within the applicants controller.
This is my current (unsuccessful) attempt.
def applicant_params
params.require(:applicant).permit(:answers_attributes: [:question_id, :id]).tap do |whitelisted|
whitelisted[:answers_attributes][:properties] = params[:applicant][:answers_attributes][:properties]
Thanks for any help.
UPD. Try to use following approach (tested in separate file):
@params = ActionController::Parameters.new(
applicant: {answers_attributes: {
"0" => {question_id: 10, id: 110, properties: {a: "b", c: "d"}},
"1" => {question_id: 20, id: 120, properties: {m: "n", o: "p"}}
def applicant_params
#properties should be [:a, :c, :m, :o]
properties = []
@params[:applicant][:answers_attributes].values.each do |answer|
properties |= answer[:properties].keys
[:question_id, :id, properties: properties])
BTL. There is pretty good article on working with hstores. And some general things on using hstore in Rails 4.