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Having issues with setting variables in loop

I am trying to use !errorlevel! as a condition inside a loop. I pass error level in a call and then I try and use findstr again to set errorlevel but the condition is not seeing the change.

   setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
   for /F %%i in  (%Newzips.lst%) do    (
    echo unzipping %%i >> test.log  
    wzunzip -o %%i
    call :startloop 
   exit /B


   dir /b *.dat > %Stagedat.lst%
     for /F %%l in (%Stagedat.lst%) do (        
        dir /b E:\NOMADD_FILES\AV\*.dat > %AVdat.lst%
        findstr /i /c %%l %AVdat.lst%
        echo top error level - !errorlevel! 
        call :checkdup %%l !errorlevel!          
    exit /B

    if !errorlevel! == 0 (
        dir /b E:\NOMADD_FILES\AV\*.dat > %AVdat.lst%
        findstr /i %1 %AVdat.lst% >> test.log
        echo  found match so sleep e >> test.log
        echo error level - !errorlevel! >> test.log
        sleep 3
        echo duplicate in  AVdat.lst >> test.log
        call :checkdup %1 !errorlevel!
    if !errorlevel! == 1 (
        echo copying file %2 >> test.log
        move /Y %1 E:\NOMADD_FILES\AV
       sleep 5
       dir /b E:\NOMADD_FILES\AV\*.dat > %AVdat.lst%
       echo moveing AVdat.lst >> test.log
       echo error level - !errorlevel! >> test.log
       type %AVdat.lst% >> test.log
    exit /B


So what is happening is after I get down to :checkdup and findstr runs again, !errorlevel! is being updated to 1 but it is still staying inside the top if statement.

This is a sample from the log.

    top error level - 0 
    found match so sleep e 
    error level - 0 
    duplicate in  AVdat.lst 
    found match so sleep e 
    error level - 0 
    duplicate in  AVdat.lst 
    found match so sleep e 
    error level - 0 
    duplicate in  AVdat.lst 
    found match so sleep e 
    error level - 1 
    duplicate in  AVdat.lst 
    found match so sleep e 
    error level - 1 
    duplicate in  AVdat.lst 
    found match so sleep e 
    error level - 1 

So error level is being set to 1 but it is stuck in the if !errorlevel! == 0 condition. It should go to the other check and continue through the for loop. I've been stuck on this for a couple days now trying many different combinations to get it to work.



  •    :checkdup    
        if !errorlevel! == 0 (
            echo error level - !errorlevel! >> test.log
            sleep 3
            rem AND AFTER SLEEP, which is the value of errorlevel?
            call :checkdup %1 !errorlevel!