So I'm making a basic pygame, and I have several "barriers" and "portals" on the game map. The former are spots that the player cannot touch, and the latter are spots that change the level.
I'm trying to make them invisible, so just have an invisible rectangle on the map that the collision detection would notice, but right now, when I blit it to the map, I have ugly black blobs.
I tried using dirty rectangles, but that didn't seem to work out so well.
My code (or at least the spots that handle the barriers and portals):
class Barrier(pygame.sprite.DirtySprite):
'''class that builds up the invisible barriers in the game'''
#constructor function
def __init__(self, posX, posY, width, height): #create a self variable to refer to the object
#call up the parent's constructor
self.dirty = 1
self.visible = 0
#Make the barrier.
self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])
#debug code that makes sure that the barrier is in the right place
# place the top left corner of the barrier at the given location
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.y = posY
self.rect.x = posX
barriers = pygame.sprite.Group() #global barrier list used in all maps
portals = pygame.sprite.Group() #global portal list used in all maps
class Portal(pygame.sprite.DirtySprite):
'''class that builds up the portals in the game'''
#constructor function
def __init__(self, posX, posY, width, height): #create a self variable to refer to the object
#call up the parent's constructor
self.dirty = 1
self.visible = 0
#Make the barrier.
self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])
#debug code that makes sure that the barrier is in the right place
# place the top left corner of the barrier at the given location
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.y = posY
self.rect.x = posX
def LoadInside():
#Load up the level image
whichLevel = 1
background_image = pygame.image.load("House.png").convert()
#a list of all the barriers in the room
room_barrier_list = pygame.sprite.Group()
#make a barrier out of all of the objects in the room
barrierTopWall = Barrier(0,125,661,7)
barrierLeftWall= Barrier(5, 130,5, 300)
barrierBottomWallLeft= Barrier(10,414,292,7)
barrierBottomWallRight= Barrier(364,412,298,7)
barrierRightWall= Barrier(649,126,5, 294)
bed = Barrier(19,199,62,93)
smallTableChairs = Barrier(273,220,97,39)
pot = Barrier(300,288,34,31)
table = Barrier(493,242,151,42)
chair1 = Barrier(459,255,28,35)
chair2 = Barrier(490,296,31,28)
chair3 = Barrier(553,293,31,28)
chair4 = Barrier(621,292,31,28)
#make a portal to get out
door = Portal(300,413, 64,10)
#add the barriers to the lists
room_barrier_list.add(barrierTopWall, barrierLeftWall, barrierBottomWallLeft, barrierRightWall)
room_barrier_list.add(smallTableChairs,pot,table,chair1,chair2,chair3,chair4, barrierBottomWallRight, bed)
#add the portal to the list
mainScreen.blit(background_image, [0,0])
# The above code handles the room barriers and portals
while done==False:
for event in pygame.event.get(): #user did something
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #if the user hit the close button
# Move the player if an arrow key is pressed
key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if key[pygame.K_LEFT]:
faceWhatDirection = 'left' # set the faceWhatDirection variable
player.updateLeft() # call up the animation function
player.move(-10, 0)
if key[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
faceWhatDirection = 'right' # set the faceWhatDirection variable
player.updateRight() # call up the animation function
player.move(10, 0)
if key[pygame.K_UP]:
faceWhatDirection = 'up' # set the faceWhatDirection variable
player.updateUp() # call up the animation function
player.move(0, -10)
if key[pygame.K_DOWN]:
faceWhatDirection = 'down' # set the faceWhatDirection variable
player.updateDown() # call up the animation function
player.move(0, 10)
#if the user presses the space bar, the attack button
if key[pygame.K_SPACE]:
bullet = Bullet()
bullet_list.append(bullet) #adds bullet to the bullet list
all_sprites_list.add(bullet) #adds the bullet to the sprite list to be drawn
#puts the bullet in the same location as player (this needs to be changed to what direction player faces)
bullet.rect.x = player.rect.x
bullet.rect.y = player.rect.y + 15 # the + 15 places it at a location that is not on the player's face!
bullet.bulletDirection = faceWhatDirection
#checks to see what direction to move the bullet in
for bullet in bullet_list:
#see if the bullet hit anything
barrier_hit_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(bullet, barriers, False)
for barrier in barrier_hit_list:
#remove the bullet if it hit something
mainScreen.fill(black)#makes the background white, and thus, the white part of the images will be invisible
if whichLevel == 1:
#draw the sprites
#limit the game to 20 fps
#update the screen on the regular
its quiet easy,
sprites were blitted with the Group.update() method.
Don't add the barriers to the all_sprites_list. Then they never get blitted on the screen.
but the barrier_hit_list
can still used for collision.