I'm using Carrierwave
to upload files to my app. I'm also using the Fog
gem to store my files on S3
, and on top of that, I'm creating a distribution in CloudFront
for everything inside my bucket.
I have several questions...
. It seems to be (looking at examples), this can already be done with Fog or Carrierwave... but when I try passing in url(20, :query => { "response-content-disposition" => "xyz" })
like the documentation says (20 is the expire time), it states that it only expects one argument. So my question is, how do I set an expire time for URL's? After I couldn't find anything there, I tried authenticated_url
which also only takes 1 argument, and puts the expire time at 10 minutes. I'm sure I can set this globally in a config but I have no idea why I wouldn't be able to set this on a per link basis?
Here is the code I have so far:
def download_link(download)
file = download.filename.file
filename = file.filename
extension = file.extension
options = {
:query => {
"response-content-type" => download_content_type(extension),
"response-content-disposition" => "attachment; filename=#{filename}"
I guess maybe I answered above, but for the sake of answers instead of comments: