I'm having an issue where I'm able to write many json encoded arrays to HornetQ without any problem, but when I try to read the frames back, every n'th message has random text appended to it (usually MESSAGE or RECEIPT).
I send the following to HornetQ:
{"data":9933753,"more_data":"Some Text"}
and I get back the following when I read the frame body:
{"data":9933753,"more_data":"Some Text"}
MESSAGE subscription:subscription/jms.queue.testing.qa.myqueue message-id:1310
destination:jms.queue.testing.qa.myqueue expires:0 redelivered:false priority:4 timestamp:1382637077839
I read the STOMP protocol definition and I still don't get how I can get back just the json string that I sent without the extra text seeing as the MESSAGE is in the body itself (making it impossible to decode it back without doing hacky string manipulations).
I have the following setup: HornetQ (latest) PHP 5.4 STOMP library: http://stomp.fusesource.org/documentation/php/book.html
Any suggestions are appreciated!
It's a bug probably. there was a fix around that at some point as I remember. If you are still seeing it with the latest version you have to provide a testcase to the developers and we would gladly fix it. I'm speaking here as one of the developers.
But first check if you are on the latest version. (2.3.0+ or 2.4.0 beta), or any latest EAP version.