In our Symfony2 application we query an external API for a certain service we provide. This API (let's call it Acme API
) sometimes throws error messages that we forward to Graylog2 via Monolog and Gelf to keep track of outages. Every error is logged on error
level with $logger->err()
The messages are shown in the normal message pool, but the custom stream that collects these API error messages isn't showing any message at all.
So my main question is: Why is Graylog refusing to show messages in the stream and what can we do to change that behaviour?
There is a total of 35 streams at the moment (This because we have a bunch of applications on our servers).
Every message that is given to Monolog has the same pattern:
Acme API Error on "{user action}": {error description}. Additional information: "{more information provided from the API}" on server "{web server name}" and domain "{domain}" for user "{session ID}"
The Graylog stream rules are as follows:
Host (regex): ^((?!mycompany-staging).)*$ // Needed to show only logs from the live servers
Facility: app
Full Message (regex): Acme API.*
(We've also tried to set the Full Message regex
to .*Acme API.*
and Acme API Error.*
, but none of these worked)
The monolog configuration is as follows:
// config_prod.yml
// ...
type: fingers_crossed
action_level: error
handler: nested
level: debug
type: stream
path: %kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log
level: debug
type: gelf
level: warning
// ...
Seemed to be a problem with Graylog2 itself, the stream started working normally after updating Graylog to the newest version and recreating the stream.