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ArcGIS create buffer using GeometryServer in android

I'm trying to create a buffer around a Point using this ArcGIS service in android:

and I'd like to create a buffer programatically using this:

It's for a school job so it has to be this service, and the API must be ArcGIS SDK 10.1.1

Unfourtunelly, there's not much documentation about this. All I know is that at certain moment I should obtain a Polygon object, which I'll add to the map.

What I need to know is (having the point) how to call the service, pass the parameters needed and get the polygon.

Thank you


  • If I were you, I'd skip the GeometryServer and use GeometryEngine.buffer(Geometry, SpatialReference, double, Unit). You don't need to call a service this way. This is the right way to do it.

    However, if for your school assignment you are required to call a service, then go to the service and click the link that says API Reference to bring up the documentation for GeometryServer. You'll have to use f=json and work with JSON. GeometryEngine has geometryToJson and jsonToGeometry methods to help you, but you can also use a JSON library if you like. If you don't know how to open a URL connection in Android/Java code, use the Google.