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gem install bouncy-castle-java for full support

I am getting this warning message on the deployment server, when I start the server or running the console.

OpenSSL ASN1/PKey/X509/Netscape/PKCS7 implementation unavailable
gem install bouncy-castle-java for full support.

Also, When I try to generate the Key with following command.

I get following exception

OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError: Neither PUB key nor PRIV key:
    from org/jruby/ext/openssl/ `initialize'

I am bit confused with the message. I have the bouncy-castle-java installed on the machine. But I am still confused with message.

I am not sure abt the issue. Can anyone explain the issue, Or give me some directions.


  • I have fixed this issue on my end by installing jruby openssl 0.8.8 on the server.

    As far as I remember there was an conflict with jruby and openssl gem that was used in the gem list(So I had to update the Gem)