It's now fixed on ios7.1
Don't do any tweak to fix it.
Apparently the same problem happens again in iOS 8.0 and 8.1
It's now fixed on ios9.2
Don't do any tweak to fix it.
Hi Today i seen in UISwitch's
Event ValueChanged:
Calling continuously
while i am change to On
to Off
or Off
to On and my finger moved still on right side as well as left side. I atteched GIF image for more clear with NSLog.
My Value Changed Method is:
- (IBAction)changeSwitch:(id)sender{
if([sender isOn]){
NSLog(@"Switch is ON");
} else{
NSLog(@"Switch is OFF");
iOS6 the same code of Switch working Fine as we expectation:
so can anyone suggest me that call only one time its state On or off. or is this is a bug or what..?
Here it is my Demo of it:
I got many user that facing same issue so may be this is bug of UISwitch
so i found just now for temporary solution of it. I Found one gitHub
custom KLSwitch
use this for now hope apple will fix this in next update of xCode:-