I have OpenFeint integrated, compiling and launching when my app launches. Following the OF website instructions of:
In your application, submit the player’s score like this
[OFHighScoreService setHighScore: scoreGoesHere forLeaderboard:@"leaderboard_id_string" onSuccess:OFDelegate() onFailure:OFDelegate()];
When I call this:
[OFHighScoreService setHighScore:scores forLeaderboard:@"112033" onSuccess:OFDelegate() onFailure:OFDelegate()];
I get an error: 'OFHighScoreService' was not declared in this scope. I'm not sure what to do - I tried importing OFHighScore.h but that didn't work. Do I need to add a highscore delegate?
Doh. Had to include OFHighScoreService.h. In a rush and just saw OFHighScore.