I want to write in Maple Taylor series for cosinus function. Here's my code:
better_cos := proc (x) options operator, arrow; sum((-1)^n*x^(2*n)/factorial(2*n), n = 0 .. 20) end proc;
better_cos(0) returns 0 instead of 1 (cos(0) == 1). It's probably because x^(2*n) return always 0 instead of 1. For example:
fun_sum := proc (x) options operator, arrow; sum(x^(2*n), n = 0 .. 0) end proc
return 0 for x == 1.
It's weird because 0^0 returns 1. Do you have any idea how can I correctly implement taylor series for cosinus?
You should be able to get what you want by using add
instead of sum
in your better_cos
Using add
is often more appropriate for adding up a finite number of terms of a numeric sequence, and also note that add
has Maple's so-called special evaluation rules.
If you intend to take the sum of a fixed number of terms (ie. n from 0 to 20) then you should not write a procedure that computes the factorials for each input argument (ie. for each value of x
). Instead, produce the truncated series just once, and then use unapply
to produce an operator. This approach also happens to deal with your original problem, since the x^0 term becomes 1
because the symbol x
is used.
You could also rearrange the polynomial (truncated series) so that it is in Horner form, to try and minimize arithmetic steps when evaluating subsequently at various numeric values of x.
For example, using 5 terms for brevity instead of 20 as you had it,
convert(add((-1)^n*x^(2*n)/factorial(2*n), n = 0 .. 5),horner);
/ 1 /1 / 1 / 1 1 2\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 2
1 + |- - + |-- + |- --- + |----- - ------- x | x | x | x | x
\ 2 \24 \ 720 \40320 3628800 / / / /
bc := unapply(%,x):
You can now apply the procedure bc
as you wish, either with symbolic or numeric arguments.
1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 1 10
1 - - x + -- x - --- x + ----- x - ------- x
2 24 720 40320 3628800
If you prefer to have your procedure better_cos
take a pair of arguments, so that the number of terms is variable, then you could still consider using add
to deal with your original problem. eg,
bc := (x,N)->add((-1)^n*x^(2*n)/(2*n)!, n = 0 .. N):
I suppose that this is a homework assignment, and that you realize that you could also use the existing system commands taylor
or series
to get the same results, ie.
1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8
1 - - x + -- x - --- x + ----- x
2 24 720 40320
1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8
1 - - x + -- x - --- x + ----- x
2 24 720 40320