i want to specify own Tags like: for my XSL Files because i have many redundant Blocks for styling:
<fo:block font-weight="bold" margin-bottom="1cm" color="#424242"> ... </fo:block>
So what i want is to take this <fo:block>
element and put it in an much shorter Tag, so that i dont need to write this again and again and have only one simple Tag for this.
I googled now for hours and can't find a solution or someone who say "Impossible".
I hope you can help me!
One option that is fairly close to what you want is to use an xsl:attribute-set
<xsl:attribute-set name="headline">
<xsl:attribute name="font-weight" select="'bold'"/>
<xsl:attribute name="margin-bottom" select="'1cm'"/>
<xsl:attribute name="color" select="'#424242'"/>
<xsl:template match="foo">
<fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="headline">...</fo:block>
Note: If you're using XSLT 1.0, you can't use select
in xsl:attribute