I'm trying to make a web server whose requests are farmed out to a set of interpreters hidden behind open2(), based on which 'device' is indicated in the cgi parameters.
The trouble is, I want it multi-threaded but the hash I'm using to try to keep track of the event queue relating to each device doesn't remember the new device created for each request: the server below only prints this sort of thing:
Did not find default-device in (alreadyThere)...
Added default-device with Sun Oct 27 20:43:35 2013 to alreadyThere, default-device
Now... does (alreadyThere, default-device) persist for the next request?
Here is the script:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use base qw(Net::Server::HTTP);
our $monkeys = shared_clone({ alreadyThere => { 'a' => 'b' } });
sub process_http_request {
require CGI;
my $cgi = CGI->new;
my $device = $cgi->param('device') || 'default-device';
print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<pre>";
unless (exists $monkeys->{$device}) {
print "Did not find $device in (".join(", ", sort keys %$monkeys).")...\n";
lock $monkeys;
unless (exists $monkeys->{$device}) {
my $t = localtime;
$monkeys->{$device} = $t;
print "\nAdded $device with ".$t." to ".join(", ", sort keys %$monkeys);
} else {
print "\nSurprise device... ".$device;
} else {
print "\nFound device... ".$device;
print "\nNow... does (".join(", ", sort keys %$monkeys).") persist for the next request?</pre>";
__PACKAGE__->run(port => 8080);
It's not the $t bit - that was previously shared_clone({ id => $t }), but I'm darned if I can see why $monkeys never seems to update.
The different requests are served by different processes, not threads.
Net::Server doesn't have a multi-threaded "personality"[1], so you're going to have to use a different sharing mechanism.