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How to save the updated_date when a data change in the TableView?

I'm trying to use QSqlTableModel with a QTableView, but i want to hide the 2 columns updated_date and created_date, its easy, but i want that the user can edit a data in the TableView, and when finish (or when submit that data) automatically the updated_date updates to the current date time. I need the program does it, not from the database engine. What steps should i follow to do this? I've thinking in implement the setData method, but i don't know how. Thank you very much for your time and Help.


  • You can reimplement setData() function of your QSqlTableModel subclass and make like this:

    virtual bool YourModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role = Qt::EditRole)
        if (index.column() != updated_date) {
            QSqlTableModel::setData(index(index.row(), updated_date), QDate::currentDate(), role);      
        return QSqlTableModel::setData(index, value, role);

    But I'd rather suggest you to use the database triggers for this task.