I'm using python-social-auth and I'm successfully able to authenticate a user with his Facebook account, but only the email is persisted. How do I:
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
PS: Would someone with enough reputation create a tag 'python-socialauth'?
Birthdate persistence is as simple as defining SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_EXTRA_DATA = [('birthdate', 'birthdate')]
, later you can access it by doing user.social_auth.get(provider='facebook').extra_data['birthdate']
Other data must be saved with a pipeline, which is not as simple, but not hard to do. A pipeline is a function that will be called during the auth process (even on signup, login or association, so the function needs to check for that if needed). The function will get many parameters like the strategy
, backend
, social
, user
, response
, requests
, details
, etc, it's best to define the needed parameters and then use **kwargs
to ignore the others.
Once the function is coded, it should be added to SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE
setting (be sure to add the default entries also, or the auth process won't work, those can be find here http://psa.matiasaguirre.net/docs/pipeline.html#authentication-pipeline).