I've been getting this class cast exception when trying to to implement an AffineTransform.
Call to AffineTransform:
public Shape moveToAndRotate(double x, double y, double theta)
double cx = getBounds2D().getCenterX();
double cy = getBounds2D().getCenterY();
at.translate(cx, cy);
at.translate(x, y);
at.translate(-cx, -cy);
return at.createTransformedShape(yingYang);
This is resides in a custom shape class (YingYang).
public class YingYang implements Shape
private Area yingYang = new Area();
private AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
When ever I make a call I get a class cast exception when I try to cast this back to a YingYang either from the drawing panel or within the class it self (if I change the return type to YingYang.
I make the call like this:
YingYang newShape = (YingYang) shape.moveToAndRotate(newLoc1.x, newLoc1.y, theta);
This is the error:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.awt.geom.Path2D$Double cannot be cast to Animation.YingYang
Any ideas since YingYang implements shape one would think that I shouldn't have to cast this at all. Am I missing a key concept?
You are getting a class cast exception because you can only go up the inheritance tree. Meaning YinYang is a Shape but a Shape isnt necessarily a YinYang. createTransformedShape is returning a Path2D which is a Shape. But that Shape is not a YinYang.
You could either keep the variable yinYang = new Area(); inside your YinYang class or make your YinYang extend the area.
So intead of YinYang -> has an Area. It would be YinYang -> is an Area
If you really need to leave the extends inheritance open you can implement a shape and implement all the methods to go to the yinYang variable.
Then make a constructor like the following
private class YinYang extends Area {
public YinYang(Shape shape) {
public Shape moveToAndRotate(double x, double y, double theta)
double cx = getBounds2D().getCenterX();
double cy = getBounds2D().getCenterY();
at.translate(cx, cy);
at.translate(x, y);
at.translate(-cx, -cy);
return at.createTransformedShape(yingYang);
YingYang shape = new YingYang(shape.moveToAndRotate(newLoc1.x, newLoc1.y, theta));