I've inherited a project using Django Social Auth. Given a User object, how can I determine which if any social associations are active?
My goal is simply to build a form letting the user disconnect from any backend:
Your login: XXXX
Macebook: [disconnect]
Tweeter: [disconnect]
I know I need to build the right URL ('disconnect/(backend)/(association_id)'), but I can't figure out how to iterate over the proper list of the User's associations.
For a related question see How can i get a specific provider from Django social-auth in a template?
The example application shows how to do it. Here's a snippet:
{# assuming that social_accounts = user.social_auth.all() #}
{% for social in social_accounts %}
<a href="{% url "socialauth_disconnect_individual" social.provider social.id %}">Disconnect {{ social.provider }}</a>
{% endfor %}