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Android lib to read or parse shapefile

is there any library that is able to read parse a .shp file, preferably on where I don't need to use NDK. I was trying to use GeoTools but i can't seam to get it to work on Android.


  • I've been using two lightweight shapefile parsers with good results in Android: diewald_shapeFileReader and Java ESRI Shape File Reader.

    GeoTools relies heavily on AWT and Java Service Provider Interface (SPI) both not supported by Android. So it´s not a viable option.

    EDIT 2021

    Osmdroid library as of Mar 24st, 2019, Release: 6.1.0,

    supports overlaying shapefiles using the Java ESRI Shape File Reader I mentioned previously.


    List<Overlay>  folder = ShapeConverter.convert(mMapView, new File(myshape));


    myshape is a .shp file somewhere on the drive. If other metadata files are found, they will be used and injected into the converted shapes.