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Java Swing GUI freezes - observer pattern

For a program I am creating I have used the observer pattern, yet whilst my Observable sends data almost constantly, simulated with a loop here because the actual code is hooked up to a device and measures the data, my update(); method runs as it should but swing doesn't.

Swing only updates the JTextField AFTER the loop has finished, yet when I use System.out.println() it iterates nicely each update.

Observable code:

public void collectData()

    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        currRandom = (Math.random() * 10);
        for(Observer o : observers)


Observer (SWING) code:

public void update()
    jRecievedData.setText(jRecievedData.getText() + "\n" + Double.toString(PVC.pc.getCurr()));
    jlAverage.setText("Average: " + PVC.getAverage());
    jlMin.setText("Minimum: " + PVC.getMin());
    jlMax.setText("Maximum: "+ PVC.getMax());

    // setText updates slow

Any help would be greatly appreciated! (I have the feeling this is going to be a threading problem , but I'm not sure and if it is, I still don't know how to do that with swing)


  • Instead of looping through your observers explicitly, let Observable do it, as shown here.


    Also, verify that you are not blocking the event dispatch thread. If so, consider using SwingWorker, which greatly simplifies Swing threading.