I'm working on a stored procedure for "unsold products".
Here's a summary of the approach I've taken so far.
Note: in production there will be a max 7 products and the sales table is has approximately 18,000 growing slowly relative to current magnitude.
My question is: is there another approach I might consider to avoid the potential pit fall of an exploding cross join?
declare @products table (
productName varchar(50)
declare @customers table (
customerName varchar(50)
declare @sales table (
customerName varchar(50),
productName varchar(50)
insert into @products values ('Product1'), ('Product2')
insert into @customers values ('Customer1'), ('Customer2')
insert into @sales values
('Customer1', 'Product1')
,('Customer1', 'Product2')
,('Customer2', 'Product1')
-- want a row for each customer and each product they
-- have not been sold
select *
from @customers C
cross join @products P
where not exists(select productName
from @sales S
where S.customerName = C.customerName and
S.productName = P.productName)
I think you're doing it right, but you might check if EXCEPT gives you better performance:
select C.CustID, P.ProdID
from @customers C
cross join @products P
from @sales S
group by CustID, ProdID
And obviously if you can pare down the client list, it would help, like eliminating anyone who hasn't purchased anything in the last year.