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Positioning a button using CALayer not working

I added an image button into the interface builder and I want to position it using CGPointMake so I added the button IBOutlet into the .h file and then added a CALayer in the .m file, here is my code...
in .h file

// This is the .h file
@interface ViewController : UIViewController
   IBOutlet UIButton *thebtn;

in .m file

// This is the .m file
- (void)viewDidLoad
   CALayer *btn = thebtn.layer;
   btn.position = CGPointMake(480, 150);
   btn.opacity = 0.4f;
   [self.view.layer addSublayer:btn];

So that is great but my issue that the button position is not changing but the button opacity was changed so how can I fix that issue?
Thanks in Advance


  • Try to do the following:

    First, move your code to viewDidAppear. Get rid of the layer code. Also, add setNeedsLayout call. Here is an example:

    { = CGPointMake(480, 150);
        thebtn.opacity = 0.4f;
        [self setNeedsLayout];


    I figured out what the problem was. You have to turn off "Auto-Layout". After that your view will be repositioned to where you want.

    Please see this link to see how to disable Auto Layout

    Hope this helps!