I have a piece of code as follows:
let pp_e (chan: out_channel) (e: e) =
(* ternary operator *)
let tern (b: bool) v0 v1 =
if b then v0 else v1
let pp_x (chan: out_channel) (b: bool) (x: x) =
let e0, e1 = ... in
Printf.fprintf chan (tern b "(%a, %a)" "%a%a") pp_e e0 pp_e e1
Error: This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e, out_channel, unit) format =
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e, out_channel, unit, unit, unit, unit)
does not compile, becase it doesn't consider "(%a, %a)"
and "%a%a"
as a format anymore. I still would like to use a ternary function, instead of if...then...else...
to make the code more succinct. Does anyone know how to amend the code?
I think the following should work:
let pp_x (chan: out_channel) (b: bool) (x: x) =
let fmt0 = format_of_string "(%a, %a)" in
let fmt1 = format_of_string "%a%a" in
let e0, e1 = ... in
Printf.fprintf chan (tern b fmt0 fmt1) pp_e e0 ppe e1
I've tested the basic idea and it worked for me. I can't test with your code because of the many parts that are missing.