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Automatically mapping columns with EZApi with OLEDBSource

Using EZApi, an EzOleDbSource object is created, and assigned the Table property. Another task is added (EzDerivedColumn) and attached to the EzOleDbSource object. When I open the package, I need to click on the OLEDB source to get the column output to the input of the derived task.

Is there a way to programatically set the input and output mappings using EzApi? Note: I am using LinkAllInputsToOutputs();


        EzSqlOleDbCM RefConn = new EzSqlOleDbCM(package, dataVault_ConMgr);
        EzOleDbSource ezOleDbSource_SatFromStaging = new EzOleDbSource(satelliteDft);
        ezOleDbSource_SatFromStaging.Table = formatSQLTableName(settings.bd_datavault_schema_staging, stgTable);
        ezOleDbSource_SatFromStaging.Name = settings.ssis_prefix_dataflow_oledb_source + stgTable;


        EzDerivedColumn ezDerivedColumn = new EzDerivedColumn(satelliteDft);
        ezDerivedColumn.Name = settings.ssis_prefix_task_derived + stgTable;


  • Probably not the best code but this is working for me. It generates a package with a data flow that has an OLE DB Source, a Derived Column that just does a substring and writes to a table.

    I get some warnings and information messages but I think that's due to not enough time working with derived columns programmatically.

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a package with a data flow that pulls from table src_dWolf
        /// <example>
        /// CREATE TABLE dbo.src_dWolf
        /// (
        ///     le_key int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
        /// ,   le_value varchar(50) NOT NULL  
        /// );
        /// CREATE TABLE dbo.dst_dWolf
        /// (
        ///     le_key int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
        /// ,   le_value varchar(50) NOT NULL  
        /// ,   le_newValue varchar(20) NOT NULL
        /// );
        /// INSERT INTO dbo.src_dWolf
        /// (
        ///     le_key
        /// ,   le_value
        /// )
        /// VALUES
        /// (
        ///     10
        /// );
        /// </example>
        /// </summary>
        public static void Demo()
            string dataVault_ConMgr = @"Data Source=localhost\DEV2012;Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=TypeMoreClickLess;";
            EzPackage package = new EzPackage();
            string stgTable = "src_dWolf";
            string bd_datavault_schema_staging = "dbo";
            string ssis_prefix_dataflow_oledb_source = "SRC ";
            string ssis_prefix_task_derived = "DST ";
            EzDataFlow satelliteDft = new EzDataFlow(package);
            satelliteDft.Name = "DFT demo";
            EzSqlOleDbCM RefConn = new EzSqlOleDbCM(package, dataVault_ConMgr);
            RefConn.Name = "TMCL";
            RefConn.ConnectionString = dataVault_ConMgr;
            EzOleDbSource ezOleDbSource_SatFromStaging = new EzOleDbSource(satelliteDft);
            ezOleDbSource_SatFromStaging.Table = String.Format("[{0}].[{1}]", bd_datavault_schema_staging, stgTable);
            ezOleDbSource_SatFromStaging.Name = ssis_prefix_dataflow_oledb_source + stgTable;
            ezOleDbSource_SatFromStaging.Connection = RefConn;
            EzDerivedColumn ezDerivedColumn = new EzDerivedColumn(satelliteDft);
            ezDerivedColumn.Name = ssis_prefix_task_derived + stgTable;
            ezDerivedColumn.SetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties("le_newValue", Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.DataType.DT_STR, 20, 0, 0, 1252);
            Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.IDTSOutputColumn100 derCol = ezDerivedColumn.OutputCol("le_newValue");
            derCol.CustomPropertyCollection["FriendlyExpression"].Value = "SUBSTRING([le_value], 1, 20 )";
            derCol.CustomPropertyCollection["Expression"].Value = "SUBSTRING([le_value], 1, 20 )";
            EzOleDbDestination ezOleDbDestination = new EzOleDbDestination(satelliteDft);
            ezOleDbDestination.Name = "DST dst_dWolf";
            ezOleDbDestination.Table = "[dbo].[dst_dWolf]";
            ezOleDbDestination.Connection = RefConn;
            ezOleDbDestination.FastLoadKeepIdentity = true;
            ezOleDbDestination.FastLoadKeepNulls = true;
            ezOleDbDestination.FastLoadOptions = "TABLOCK,CHECK_CONSTRAINTS";
            ezOleDbDestination.AccessMode = AccessMode.AM_OPENROWSET_FASTLOAD;