Search code examples

Core data advice

I have created an entity called Subject. Inside the Entity I have placed all the attributes that I only need once for each entry created. Then I have created homework enitity and linked it to the Subject class. My question is am I correct in thinking that I can create multiple homework objects linked to each Subject object I make in my app.

For instance I make a Subject entry with subject='Maths' then in through the Maths entry able to add lots of different homework entries.

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  • The relationship between Homework and Subject is currently a one-to-one relationship (as seen that you have 1 arrow pointing to the word homework and 1 arrow pointing to newRelationship). To add multiple homework objects to a subject, change the relationship to a one-to-many relationship.

    Schedule *schedule;
    Homework *homework;
    for (Homework *homework in schedule.homework) {
        NSLog(@"homework = %@", homework);
    [schedule addHomeworkObject:homework];