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How can I return a 404 for a specific URL with Rack middleware

A site I manage is getting constant requests for a javascript file that no longer exists, from an older version of the site. These requests take up a lot of resources because they get routed through Rails every time to return a 404. I am thinking it would be much better to have Rack handle that specific URL and return 404 itself. Is that correct? If so, how would I set that up?

I have been checking out this blog post which I think is kinda the way to move forward (ie, inheritance from some existing Rack module):


  • So I ended up writing my own little bit of middleware:

    module Rack
      class NotFoundUrls
        def initialize(app, exclude)
          @app = app
          @exclude = exclude
        def call(env)
          status, headers, response =
          req =
          return [status, headers, response] if [email protected]?(URI.unescape(req.fullpath))
          content = 'Not Found'
          [404, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => content.size.to_s}, [content]]

    and then adding this to the file:

    use Rack::NotFoundUrls, ['/javascripts/some.old.file.js']

    It's the first time I've done this so let me know if there's any glaring mistakes...