Basicly I have a bunch of links on a page and I will use something like this
<?PHP echo $SITE_PATH ?>
Many many times on the same page but it will show a Notice in PHP for doing so.
I know you are supposed to use things like isset() but would I really need to use it every time I call?
<?PHP echo $SITE_PATH ?>
--- EDIT :
If I switch to using a defined variable, then the notices seem to go away
Two solutions, here :
) before trying to use them.There is no magic ^^
If your application is using many not-set variables, you probably have some problem in your design.
In a case such as the one you presented, for a variable that's used lots of times, I would make sure it exists, and, if not, set it to '', for instance, at the beginning of my script.
That's not really looking great, but it'll work -- and, this way, you won't have to go through your whole application, patching everything.
(Or I might also disable the E_NOTICE
level -- I don't like that idea, but, sometimes, it's really the only way to deal with some code base)