This is the code I have:
#Start up rickshaw charts
df.plot <- Rickshaw$new()
#Set chart parameters
y ~ x,
data = df.aggregate2,
type = "area",
groups = "var2",
colors= c("#E1CA4C","#74D2E3","#B70002","#987989","#9A9A9A","#ACD759","#5FCC5C","#4C6676"),
height = 500,
width = 800
hoverDetail = TRUE,
yAxis = TRUE,
xAxis = TRUE,
shelving = FALSE,
legend = TRUE,
slider = TRUE,
highlight = TRUE,
unstack = TRUE,
df.plot$xAxis( tickFormat=
"#!function(d) {
return d3.time.format('%Y-%m-%d')(new Date( d * 86400000 ));
!#" )
df.plot$print('Performance', include_assets = TRUE, cdn = TRUE)
My hover looks like this:
Mon, 23 September 2013 00:00:00 GMT var 1045.00
And I want it to look like this: Mon, 23 September 2013 var 1045 *without the time & without the decimal points.
You can use the hoverDetail
method and pass it a formatter function. You will need to write a javascript function that outputs the required string you want.
moods.plot$hoverDetail(formatter = "#! function(series, x, y){
} !#")
You can see an example of the formatter
function by viewing the source of this page