I have a following query that can return a result from an xml:
declare @xml xml
select @xml = data from files where id = 1234
from @xml.nodes('root/children') as children(p)
children.p.value('./name[1]','nvarchar(max)') = 'something'
This in my case returns a single value, for example 3141
However, I'd like to do multiple selects like this from multiple XMLs.
I can select the xml data as
select id, cast(data as xml) as xml
from files
where id in (1005,51,968,991,992,993,969,970) --for example
I imagine there must be some kind of JOIN that will apply my expression and return a single item for each xml
variable in the table, but I am not sure how.
Use apply:
f.id, children.p.value('./speed[1]','float')
from files as f
outer apply (select cast(f.data as xml) as xml) as x
outer apply x.xml.nodes('root/children') as children(p)
f.id in (1005,51,968,991,992,993,969,970) and
children.p.value('./name[1]','nvarchar(max)') = 'something'