I'm trying to modify an array of anonymous hashes in-place, through two subroutines:
my $hashes = [{
foo => 'bar',
foobar => 'baz',
qux => { 'foo' => 'baz' },
sub data_parser
my $data = shift;
while ((my $key, my $value) = each($data)) {
if (ref($value) ne '') {
} else {
$value = value_parser($value) if ($key eq 'foo');
print "data_parser() ${key}'s new value is: ${value}\n" if ($key eq 'foo');
sub value_parser { return('newvalue'); }
foreach my $hash (@{$hashes}) {
print "foo is " . $hash->{'foo'} . "\n";
print "foo is " . $hash->{'qux'}{'foo'} . "\n";
The output is:
data_parser() foo's new value is: newvalue
data_parser() foo's new value is: newvalue
foo is bar
foo is baz
I expected that value_parser() modifies the data structure through the hash reference, hence in-place. Any insight would be appreciated, thanks!
You never assign $value
to anything. Add
$data->{$key} = $value;