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RefineryCMS: apply bootstrap styles to navigation menu

I have upgraded Refinery CMS to the newest version (2.1.0), where there is a new approach in rendering the navigation menu :

(in partial _header.html.erb)

<%=, self).to_html %>

The older version of the same partial :

<%= render(:partial => "/refinery/menu", :locals => {
         :dom_id => 'menu',
         :css => 'menu'
       }) %>

How could I add bootstrap styles to the navbar using MenuPresenter?


  • It can be done, but the solution is not pretty because the Menu Presenter in Refinery 2.1 doesn't support all the right CSS options out of the box. But with a bit of perseverance, this is roughly what to do:

    Firstly, create a new blank file here: config/initializers/refinery/monkey_patch_menu_presenter.rb

    In this patch file, paste in the contents of this updated version of the menu presenter (published October 2013): menu_presenter.rb

    Next, based on the instructions in section 5 of the menu presenter guide, in your app/helpers/application_helper.rb file, add a new method called navigation_menu:

    def navigation_menu
      presenter =, self)
      presenter.css = "navbar-inner"
      presenter.menu_tag = :div
      presenter.list_tag_css = "nav"
      presenter.selected_css = "active"
      presenter.first_css = ""
      presenter.last_css = ""
      presenter.max_depth = 0 # prevents dropdown menus, which don't render correctly

    Finally, in your app/views/refinery/_header.html.erb file (use $ bundle exec rake refinery:override view=refinery/_header if it doesn't exist), replace the call for:

    <%=, self).to_html %>


    <div class="navbar">
      <%= navigation_menu.to_html %>

    Ensure that you have the loaded the Bootstrap CSS/JS files and have wrapped the whole page in a <div class="container"> element. Then restart your application for the patch to take affect and hopefully you'll see a familiar bootstrap navigation bar.

    Good luck!
