I have been making a labview program for kids to moniter energy production from various types of power sources. I have a condition where if they are underproducing a warning will fire, and if they are overproducing by a certian threshold, another warning will fire. I would like to time how long throughout the activity, each type of warning is fired so each group will have a score at the end. This is just to simulate how the eventual program will behave. Currently I have a timer which can derrive the amount of time the warning is true, but it will overwrite itself each time the warning goes off and on again.
So basically I need to to sum up the total time that the value has been true, even when it has flitted between true and false.
One method of tabulating the total time spent "True" would be exporting the Warning indicator from the While-loop using an indexed tunnel. If you also export from the loop a millisecond counter value of when the indicator was triggered, you can post process what will be an array of True/False values with the corresponding time at which the value transitioned.
The post processing could be a for-loop that keeps a running total of time spent true.
P.s. if you export your code as a VI snippet, others will be able to directly examine and modify the code without needing to remake it from scratch. See the NI webpage on the subject: http://www.ni.com/white-paper/9330/en/