I want to parse a directory and when new files show up it shoud be listed in a queue for a other batch.
I tried it like that:
@echo off
set ftpdir=Z:\FTP\home\
set xdir=Z:\NewDir\
set vtree=v.txt
set vtreecomp=vcomp.txt
if not exist %vtree% (dir %ftpdir% /S/B > %vtree%) else ( goto VCOMPTREE )
dir %ftpdir% /S/B > %vtreecomp%
fc %vtree% %vtreecomp% > nul
if errorlevel 1 fc %vtree% %vtreecomp% >> queue.txt & exit
goto START
But i don't get only the different lines. What i get:
Vergleichen der Dateien v.txt und VCOMP.txt
***** v.txt
Z:\FTP\home\22.10.2013 #111
Z:\FTP\home\23.10.2013 #222
***** VCOMP.txt
Z:\FTP\home\22.10.2013 #111
Z:\FTP\home\22.10.2013 #111 - Kopie
Z:\FTP\home\23.10.2013 #222
***** v.txt
***** VCOMP.txt
Z:\FTP\home\23.10.2013 #222 - Kopie
What i want:
Z:\FTP\home\22.10.2013 #111 - Kopie
Z:\FTP\home\23.10.2013 #222 - Kopie
Can someone help me with that?
command output show the differences in sets that include the first and last equal lines. If you want to get just the different lines, you must achieve the comparison of the files by yourself. The Batch program below do that:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set ftpdir=Z:\FTP\home\
set xdir=Z:\NewDir\
set vtree=v.txt
set vtreecomp=vcomp.txt
if not exist %vtree% dir %ftpdir% /S/B > %vtree%
dir %ftpdir% /S/B > %vtreecomp%
fc %vtree% %vtreecomp% > nul
if errorlevel 1 (
set "vtreeLine="
< %vtree% (
for /F "delims=" %%a in (%vtreecomp%) do (
if not defined vtreeLine set /P vtreeLine=
if "!vtreeLine!" equ "%%a" (
set "vtreeLine="
) else (
echo %%a
)) > queue.txt
goto START
This program just manage the case when new files are added to previous tree; it will fail if any file is deleted.