I am start developing application for Windows Phone 8. As usual, there is something coming up. yups, that is error. LoL I have an application using panorama, and I planning to put an appbar for each panorama item which will generate different appbar for different panorama item.
Luckily, I've found a tutorial about it. Here is the link : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsphone/develop/hh394036(v=vs.105).aspx
My problem is, how can I navigate to other windows phone page (known as xaml) from this App.cs?? Because when I start implement what I've known it bring me an error. Any help and answer will be appreciated. ^_^ Thank you so much.
Regards, Budi Prasetyo
"How can I pass a parameter from my mainpage.xaml or mainpage.cs, to app.cs? "
You can create a public property in your App.cs, something like:
public int ItemId {get; set;}
As the App context is available everywhere, you can access it via your MainPage.cs.
App.ItemId = your ID here